Hello, my cats are on a mix diet, wet food and kibbles. Is it okay to give their kibbles with some water mixed in at each meal. My female cat tends to eat her kibbles to fast and sometimes throws up so I thought this might help but wanted to make sure it was okay. They eat tiki cat wet food and natural balance LID salomn dry food.

Updated On January 1st, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 11 lbs

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Answered By Tomasz Wnuk


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Hello and thank you for contacting PetCoach. It is perfectly fine to soak the kibbles in warm water first. By doing that the kibbles smell stronger and are more attractive to cats. Also, they fill up the stomach quickly, so your cats will feel better after each meal. Also, adding water to kibbles increases general water intake, which is beneficial for health in many cats.

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