I think my 6-7 month old husky/Great Dane mix got into some acorns. She has had 1 full day of diarrhea, with some blood in it at first but now less. I did see some pieces of acorn in the stools. What can I do to help her? It’s too late to induce vomiting. She is fine otherwise and hungry as usual. I’ve fed her only rice/rice water, cooked chicken, pumpkin purée, and some unflavored pedialyte. How long should I expect her to feel better/ more normal stools? Or expect worsened or better symptoms?!

Updated On January 2nd, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Female | unspayed | 6 months and 18 days old | 45 lbs

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Answered By Penelope Graben, DVM


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Hello, Good work on what you've done already with the rice, chicken, pumpkin, and pedialyte. I would continue with that for this week then slowly adjust her back to her normal food over another week. You could also try some probiotics, like Fortiflora or Proviable from your veterinarian to help get her gut bacteria healthier faster. Dogs get small amounts of blood in their stool from inflammation much more commonly and easily than humans do- that can be normal for passing some rough plant material. She could have diarrhea for 3-5 days from something like this, then I would expect it to start to improve. If it lasts longer than that, or she becomes lethargic or uninterested in food, those would be reasons to have her seen by her vet. Best of luck and take care.

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