Hello, I cannot find very much info on wolf lichen amount ingested toxicity level online, it is all vague. I am aware it is poisonous. our 41/2 month old puppy ingested a small amount tuesday afternoon. His body temperature increased tuesday night to 101.9 from normal of 101.4 he weighs around 45-50 lbs he is a Cheasapeake Bay Retriever. This morning he vomitted a dark brown foul stuff. His breathing is labored at night with bouts of panting. do you know the toxicity level amount? Thank you,

Updated On January 6th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Chesapeake Bay Retriever | Male | unneutered | 4 months and 18 days old | 45 lbs

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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I just did a search for any studies or reference materials citing toxic doses of wolf lichen and came up empty as well. Reading through a veterinary database, I also see veterinary toxicologists that are in the dark regarding the toxic doses of wolf lichen. I think the answer as to the toxic dose is that as a whole, we just don't know. I do see reports that some dogs can experience respiratory disturbances and seizures following ingestion of wolf lichen. I see that Trego's temperature has stayed in a normal range (100.5-102.5 F), which is great! Given your description, I think it's entirely possible that Trego's breathing irregularities at night could be normal variations during sleep. However, given his recent ingestion of this toxic substance, it's not a bad idea to have him examined by your vet. It's always better to be safe than sorry! Likewise, the brown stuff that he'd vomited could be bile mixed with food, but it could also be digested blood if he has any stomach ulcers. Again, I think a physical exam with some blood work is a good first step in order to make sure that Trego is okay. I hope that everything goes well!

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