My 3 year old hound mix (she’s 50lbs) has had some onion powder in the chicken broth we have given her. I don’t put more than a 1/4 cup in it (most of the times less) and in some instances I’ve put water in the food as well because I heated up the food too much. She has not had any signs or symptoms of toxicity, but I want to make sure she will be okay. We have had her for a little over a week, 2 meals a day

Updated On January 24th, 2022

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Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


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You're correct in that both onions and garlic are toxic to dogs, but I wouldn't worry at all about the negligible amount that your dog is getting. At 50 pounds, she would need to eat about 4 teaspoons of onion powder in order to experience the blood cell changes associated with onion toxicosis. I can't imagine that that much onion powder would be in a quart or so of the broth, let alone 1/4 cup. With that said, I generally err on the side of caution and prefer avoiding feeding both onions and garlic whenever possible. Again, the tiny amount she's receiving in this chicken broth shouldn't cause any problems whatsoever. I hope this helps and that everything goes well!

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