Whats the red thing on my hamster eyeball?? Im really worried please help. Also hes not eating much and drinks more water than usual not only that but he seems to want to sleep even when out of cage?
Updated On February 3rd, 2022
Pet's info: Small Animal | Hamster | Male | unneutered | 0.0992 lbs
Answered By Dr. Macartney, BVet Med, MRCVS 177
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I am so sorry to hear that Cherry has an issue with his eye. Unfortunately I cannot see the issue clearly in this picture. The concern with eyes is that infections, injures, growths and inflammation can progress rapidly and may even lead to blindness. For this reason I would advise taking Cherry to see a veterinarian as soon as you can. The fact that Cherry also seems systemically unwell; not eating, drinking extra water and lethargic, also means he needs to see a vet very soon. All these signs point to Cherry being in pain and possibly fighting an issue inside his body like an infection or even types of cancer. I am so sorry that Cherry isn’t well. I hope he is able to be seen by a veterinarian soon who will start by giving him a physical exam to determine the exact cause of his issues.
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