My passion in life is helping animals and the people who love them! I was inspired to become a vet after falling in love with my two dogs Dodger and Scooter, who have since travelled all over the world with me. I have been an exclusively small animal veterinarian since 2012 when I graduated form the Royal Veterinary College in London. During veterinary school, I developed an interest in cardiology and undertook additional training and externships in that field. My interest in cardiology also lead me to complete a thesis on the subject of mitral valve disease in dogs. I am native to California, and studied Animal Behavior at UCSD before heading to the UK to earn my veterinary degree. Though I spent my years so far working in small animal practice, prior to that I worked with a species of chimpanzees at the San Diego Zoo.
Articles Written by Dr. Macartney, BVet Med, MRCVS