I have a bull dog and lab mix. Have had them for 6 years. I'm pregnant. All of a sudden my bull dog (female) wants to attack my male. I cant find any triggers. She is sitting next to me on the couch and catches eye contact with him across the room and growls and goes into attack mode. Please help
Updated On January 24th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | American Bulldog | Female | spayed | 80 lbs
Answered By Dr. Macartney, BVet Med, MRCVS 177
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Congratulations on your pregnancy, and I would like to help offer some suggestions to help you with your dogs new behaviour concerns. Dogs and humans share a very close bond, especially when you have had them in your life for as long as 6 years. Though your dogs may not understand the exact details of what is changing with you, they are aware of a change. This is causing Kaygee to feel unsettled. This is not abnormal at all, and I can suggest a few tactics to try; Dog appeasing pheromone (DAP) adaptors in the house DAP collars for the dogs Increased excercise Increased interaction and positive connection with you, including extra cuddles, walks, or even indoor games like hide and seek Thunder coat Positive reinforcement of positive interactions I would suggest trying a few of these tactics over the next few weeks. Please report back with your progress and we can help you further if needed. Best of luck.
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