Updated On July 27th, 2018
Reviewed By Dr. Macartney, BVet Med, MRCVS
When the mouth-watering smell of a backyard BBQ fills the air, it’s only natural for our four-legged pals to want to join in on the grilling fun. But unfortunately, there are potential hazards among the tasty treats.
The best approach to the problem is prevention. If a large gathering is anticipated, the best choice can be to remove your pet from the action. A bedroom with music, a television, or a soothing white noise machine may be the safest place for him to relax.
If your dog will be at the BBQ, keeping him away from foods and controlling what he eats is key. Any meats shared should be free of seasonings and sauces. When food is served-up buffet style for friends and family, ensure that tall tables or counters are used and that food is kept a good distance from the edge. Don’t be afraid to ask guests not to give treats to your dog while they are over—even safe foods can cause problems in large quantities.
These common BBQ foods are particularly dangerous to dogs and should never be shared.
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