My cat was prescribed Onsoir for a corneal ulcer and fever. I crushed the pill and mixed it in some wet food for administration. But I noticed in the instructions, it said not to crush or break the pill. I am worried this will lead to side effects? Will she be okay?

Updated On February 17th, 2022

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 5 years and 4 months old | 13 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Onsior is best given as a whole tablet. Crushing it is not ideal. It will not harm her or cause side effects, it just may not be as efficacious. Have you tried giving the tablet in a Pill Pocket? Typically they will eat the tablet whole that way. ( ) Give her a couple with nothing inside. Make sure she likes and eat is and then hide the tablet in one. I would try that first.

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