Updated On May 29th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Lagotto Romagnolo | Female | unspayed | 7 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello, my name is Dr. Shines and I am happy to help. That mass is most likely a sty but it could also be a tumor. As long as Lili isn't itching or rubbing at it, you can apply a warm compress twice a day for 10 minutes. If this is a sty, that can help it to come to a head and rupture. If the mass isn't responding to the warm compress after one week or if it is bothering Lili, than make an appointment to have her examined by the veterinarian. If it is a sty, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If they think it's a mass, they may discuss removing it since it's already a big size (and it may only get larger). I hope this helps and please feel free to reach out any time.
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