Taz, born March 16, 2022 appears to have tapeworms as I noticed white, rice size, worms in his stool on Saturday. I can't afford the Vet Emergency Hospital or Urgent Care for treatment, what treatment is recommended over the counter purchase until I get paid on Friday to take him to a vet for further treatment and exam? Note, he is still quite active and in good spirits as of today.
Updated On May 30th, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 14 days old | 5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello, my name is Dr. Shines and I am happy to help. You can get a product called Bayer Quad Dewormer and use it on Taz as long as he is over 2lbs. Instruction will be on the package. Give it with food to decrease the potential for GI upset. Tapeworms come from fleas so be sure to keep him current on flea prevention. Your veterinarian will carry the best products like Nexgard but for now, you can use name brand Frontline or Advantage/Advantix. I also recommend and agree with you to get him into the vet to be checked for other parasites. If he has one type, he may have others. Some of these parasites can spread to humans so it's important to keep up with routine checks and treatment. I hope this helps and please feel free to reach out any time.
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