I was peting my cat when I realized she has a red hairless patch on her back thigh and at the base of her tail. The spot on her tail had a bit of blood too, but is not actively bleeding. She doesn't appear to be in pain, but I don't know how she got them. I don't have access to a vet right now, but if it's an emergency I'm willing to make the trip. Can I treat this at home or is it serious? Do you think she's in pain? Thank you for any questions you can answer.
Updated On August 2nd, 2022
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 9 lbs
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA 103
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
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Hi there! What you're describing sounds more likely to be a skin problem of some kind (allergies, etc.) vs. an actual wound or something more serious, although of course it's always hard to say without being able to see her in person. It does sound like this is something that should be seen by a vet, since skin issues in cats that are severe enough to cause hair loss and raw spots will virtually always need prescription meds to treat effectively. But if she's acting normal otherwise (eating and drinking, relatively active, no other obvious symptoms), then I wouldn't consider it to be an emergency. It should be okay to call your regular vet's office and get an appointment scheduled for her when you're able to, hopefully within the next week or two. :)
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