My dog missed her annual vaccination it’s been 4 months. Her vaccination was missed because I read online that dogs need to be vaccinated every 3 years. I think i misread that info. What should I do?

Updated On August 20th, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | Goldendoodle | Female | spayed | 1 year and 7 months old | 30 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Chanel. I recommend that she sees her veterinarian. Some vaccines are licensed for 3 years and others need to be given annually. It also depends on her if vaccines are current or not if she can be eligible for a 3 year vaccine. For example, a 1 year rabies vaccine is given to a puppy. Then she would receive the 3 year vaccine as an adult. If her vaccines stay current, she would need a booster every 3 years. If she is overdue, then she may receive a 1 year vaccine again to start the series over. I hope this information helps!

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