My dog has a growth on his eye I took to a vet he said it’s a stye and gave me eye drops but I want a 2nd opinion as I don’t think it is it looks more like a wart to me. He is only 8 and half weeks old

Updated On September 22nd, 2022

Pet's info: Dog | American Bully | Male | 1 month and 30 days old | 5.3 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Rocco. A stye would be more common in such a young puppy than a growth such as a wart would be. I recommend using the medication prescribed by your veterinarian. You can also apply warm (not hot) compresses to the eyelid for several minutes three times per day. For example, hold a warm wash cloth to the eyelid. Make sure it is not too hot against your own skin. This can help to treat it if it is a a stye. The compresses and the medication such remove the issue. If not, then he should see his veterinarian again. I hope this information helps!

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