Updated On January 20th, 2023
Pet's info: Exotic | Unknown - Exotic | Male | neutered | 4 years old
Answered By Lotus Altholtz 215
Veterinarian, Board-Certified Lab Animal Medicine Specialist
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Yes! Holiday definitely needs medical care ASAP! I can’t see the eye in the picture but there appears to be raw, likely infected skin cranial to the eyes, possibly draining discharge from an eye infection (hard to see the eye in this picture). Holiday could benefit from sedation, very careful clipping of the crusted fur on his face, cleaning of the raw skin with chlorhexidine, a topical antibiotic /steroid ointment for the skin +/- injectable Baytril, likely ophthalmic antibiotics for the eye and an e-collar to prevent scratching and further injury. Holiday is very cute…best wishes for a quick recovery!
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