My female corgi chichihua is pregnant and I fear that she is not going to be able to have the pups because she is showing signs of labor as in whining, restlessness, shivering I believe she may have lost her mucus plug three days ago because she had a clear stringy mucus like gunck on her hind leg. Her belly will harden and then get soft the puppies are fully active how can I tell for sure that she is in active labor? She has been having these signs for about one week now except pups being activ

Updated On June 5th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | unspayed | 60 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question. I would check LaeLae's body temperature using a rectal thermometer. A dog's normal temperature is between 101-102F, and if a pregnant dog's temperature drops below 100F, that's typically a sign of active labor. She may appear restless and anxious, and you could see panting, pacing, and a refusal of food. The loss of the mucus plug can occur anywhere from a few hours to four to five days before giving birth. The best way to know for sure is to have her seen by a vet. I'm concerned that she's been having these signs for a week, I would take her into a vet immediately to get checked out. I hope this helps.

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