I have a 6 year old corgi mix, 49 lbs, and has recently started avoiding steps going up or down, wont even walk over a pillow unless we move it out of the way. His lower spine right above his tail causes him to whine or cry out when touched to hard, and he lays with his hind legs both to one side and never underneath him. I fear he has hip dysplasia and I want to know what I can do at home or holistically to help with his pain.
Updated On July 2nd, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | neutered | 5 years and 3 months old | 49 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Poor Ban Ban sounds like he is in a lot of pain! It could be he has a problem with his hips, but I worry that he has a problem with his back. Unfortunately, there is nothing holistic to help with this. He is in pain, and he needs pain medication from the vet. Also, he has to see the vet to get safe pain medication as many human pain medications are toxic to dogs and can be fatal to dogs. He needs an x-ray of his back and hips to determine if there are any skeletal changes causing his pain, and his vet can discuss pain medications and further treatments. There may be things you can do at home, such as swimming (great exercise that is low impact on the joints), but it is super important to get him to the vet so he isn't in pain any longer. Please give his vet a call now to make him an appointment. I hope this helps!
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