What can be wrong with my cat? She passed a bit bigger hairball during the night. She was very stressed about it. When she was regurgitating - liquid even came out of her nose. For a while she continued to make regurgitating attempts, was distressed and looked tired. Now 5 hours later : her eyes are watery and a bit closed, runny nose, she intensively rubs her nose and sneeze from time to time, looks fatigue and mostly sleeps. Thank you!

Updated On July 16th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Scottish Fold | Female | spayed | 13 years and 6 months old | 9 lbs

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Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Hello there, thanks for choosing PetCoach. Goodness! That certainly does sound like a scary experience for Persyk. Hairballs shouldn't cause this much trouble coming up, though I can't be certain why it was such an issue this time. However, based on your description of Persyk after the event, it sounds like she has some vomitus in her nasal passages. A small amount of liquid should resolve on it's own within a day or two, but if there was any solid material, it could have become trapped and would continue to cause the nasal pain, sneezing, running nose, etc. I would say that if she isn't back to normal in a day or so, she needs to be checked out by a vet. After physical examination, the vet may recommend sedation to flush the nasal passage and do a more thorough exam.

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