My cat was spayed 4 days ago her vet it closed till Tuesday and I’m worried about her surgical incision it swollen up
Updated On October 1st, 2023
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 10 lbs
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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Yes there does appear to be some swelling there. Likely a seroma, due to leaky blood vessels just underneath the skin. No worries, because at leas the external area is sealed shut. For now I would recommend doing cold compresses on the area, if allowed to help reduce some of the swelling. Just a few minutes at a time using something like frozen peas or a frozen treat. Then get her in to your vet for a thorough exam of the area. Your vet will likely prescribe additional medication to help it heal up. It is also best to try and keep Tara settled at home and don't encourage rough play or running until seen by your vet. If Tara is acting abnormal (i.e. not eating, lethargic, vomiting, etc) in any way, then it is best to get another vet to take a look at her tomorrow instead of waiting for your regular vet on Tuesday. Best of luck with Tara moving forward. I am confident this can get resolved in the next day or two. Take care.
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