Lav went through a pseudopregnancy; vet advises spaying. But she also has anemia this past year, probably autoimmune. Tests ruled out infectns, steroids resolved it but itreturned after a few months. Now on steroids. 1) One opinion I got was that spay surgery should be avoided until autoimun anemia is fully resolved. I'd like a second opinion. Spay after blood comes to normal with steroid? Or should the autoimmune condition also be resolved first? 2) would spaying worsen the autoimmune anemia?

Updated On May 13th, 2024

Pet's info: Dog | Golden Retriever | Female | spayed | 8 years and 1 month old | 64 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Thank you for using PetCoach. Sorry to hear that Lav is having this issue. The autoimmune condition will likely never be resolved. Steroids may make it go into "remission" but will not cure it. Some dogs can eventually come off the steroids and go for long periods without it but esentially the autoimmune condition will always be present. She should not be spayed while taking steroids as that class of medications causes delayed healing. She should only be spayed during a period of remission. I agree that she needs to be spayed. The false pregnancies can cause pyometra which is a life threatening condition. If she gets pyometra she will need emergency surgery that must be done even if she is on steroids causing extra complications. She will also be undergoing surgery while she is sick adding to the complications. Hope this clarifies. Best wishes to you and Lav.

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