I just moved to a new state 2 months ago and my cat has peed on my bed probably 9 times since. 3 times while I’m physically in bed trying to sleep. She used to pee on my bed before our move, whenever I’d be gone overnight somewhere. I’m not sure what to do. She’s 6 now and she’s been doing this since the pandemic. I haven’t tried anxiety meds yet and every vet visit I’ve had they say she’s healthy. I love her so much but I’m wondering if re-homing her is something I should consider.

Updated On November 7th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 6 years and 6 months old | 11.2 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. A cat can be "healthy" and still have urination issues as you have described because the problem is behavioral and not medical. If it has been ruled out that she does not have any underlying medical conditions (kidney issues, bladder problems, UTI, etc) then you should try the behavioral modification medication. The medications work well and cats rarely have any side effects with their use. Please talk to your vet about this. This problem is not only stressful for you but also for Prune. And typically what happens is, if you rehome her, she will do the same behavior at the new person's house. Inevitably they get frustrated and they will rehome her and the cycle continues as she is passed from home to home. She may even end up at a shelter as unadaptable which in some shelters means euthanasia. Please don't do that to her and speak to your vet about medication. I can tell you love her very much and someone else may not feel the same about her. The medication is not expensive and typically is easy to administer. The medication does not usually change their attitude towards you or change their personality in any drastic way. It is an easy solution. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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