Hi, I am giving teef for life protektin 42+K to my cat. I used it for its tartar and gingivitis. I used it for 3 days. I felt my cat was a little lethargic after using it. When I asked a question here in petcoach, one of your vets told me they have never heard about the product. That really worries me...is it a genuine and safe product?..or some scam....should I stop giving it?

Updated On November 27th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Ashera | Female | spayed | 3 years and 6 months old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you again for using PetCoach. I answered your question yesterday. I researched the product before I answered you and I did not see any harmful ingredients. However, that does not mean no animal will never show any adverse effects. If it does not agree with your cat stop using it. No one can guarantee anything. I have been a veterinarian in the US for close to 20 years and as a certified veterinary technician for 5 years prior to that. I have never heard of this product but that does not mean there is anything wrong with it. There are millions of products in the world marketed towards animals with new ones coming out each day. There is no way to keep up with all of them. Again, I suggest you contact the manufacturer directly for any concerns.

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