My young female started her heat about 22 days ago, she was flagging about 9 days ago. By this past weekend, the males were eating again and her vulva was shrinking back down, no more discharge and no more flagging. She was even starting to snap at them. Yesterday my husband was supposed to be watching the dogs and left them to use the restroom, he came out and my older intact male was tied with her briefly. What are the chances of pregnancy? This was the ONLY tie that occurred.

Updated On November 28th, 2023

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question. There is a chance of pregnancy, but the best time for a dog is get is pregnant is between day 9-11 of their cycle. Given it's been 22 days, it makes it less likely, but there is still a chance. I'd wait 30 days, then take her into the vet to get blood drawn to check for the hormone relaxin, which occurs when a dog is pregnant. I hope this helps.

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