My puppy has a very strange shape and I’m wondering if I should be worried, and if this could possibly be a symptom of anything concerning. He almost has like a cone shaped bottom when looking from the top. His back legs seem to be ending and they dip down, but he still has a very cone shape. I attached a photo that shows this the best. Please let me know if this is something I should take him in for or not, please! I appreciate you so much!

Updated On November 28th, 2023

Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 21 days old | 60 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. I know you say Boosie's shape shows best in this photo but it is not easy to evaluate him from it due to the angle. Without feeling him myself and just seeing him standing/walking normally it is difficult to say. I does look to me like his stifle (knee) area is thick in this photo but it could just be the way he is laying.... I do think you should take him in for a veterinary exam. If nothing else, he should be due for his 2nd round of vaccines anyway so this is a good time to do the exam. Hope this helps. Best wishes!

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