My pup started vomiting with waves of violent shaking on 11/7. They tested her for Parvo and said she was negative but she had hookworms so they sent us home with medicine. A couple of days ago she started pooping blood. The vet told me that she still had hookworms so we’re back on the meds. She hiccups every day, multiple times a day. While she is energetic at times, I notice she sleeps a ton and has what appear to be violent nightmares. Does she have a massive problem?
Updated On December 1st, 2023
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | 6 months old | 16 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. I'm sorry that Rizzo is having this issue. I would not be concerned about the hiccups. That can certainly be normal in puppies. I suggest you video her doing that though so you can show the vet what she is doing. The same with the "nightmares" - video if at all possible. Dogs don't really have nightmares. They can dream and will sometimes "run" or "bark" while dreaming but nothing "violent". I would be concerned that she may be having seizures. I'm not saying it is impossible for her to have night terrors it is just not that common and it is a diagnosis of exclusion. Meaning we cannot test directly for it so we have to rule out all underlying potential medical issues first. Without videos it will be hard for your vet to know what direction to take. I cannot tell you if she has something serious or not. More testing is likely needed. A severe hookworm burden can cause all her symptoms so keep that in mind....
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