My cat has been having issues with his left eye for months- he keeps it shut and it was concluded by his vet to not be infected and to have nothing inside. she suggested removing a tooth that may have effected his eye and for a while he eye looked better but still a little closed. Recently again now the corner of the eye is irritated and swollen and he is keeping it shut. He also rubs the corner of his mouth on that side on things and gets cuts from irritating it. No vet knows what is wrong :(

Updated On December 14th, 2023

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | 5 years and 11 months old | 5 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. I know that you are struggling to find out what is going on with Bean but there is not going to be much I can tell you without examining him myself. I suggest you take him to a veterinary ophthalmologist if your regular vet is unable to find the cause. Keeping the eye close indicates pain so you need to get this figured out as you cannot leave him in pain. There are MANY different things that can be going on here: scratched cornea, glaucoma, herpes keratitis, uveitis, abscess associated with a tooth, neoplasia (cancer), and those are just a few of the possibilities. He needs to have testing and having an eye specialist check him is going to be your best bet. I find these two near you. You can apply for Care Credit or Scratch Pay on the website for AnimERgevets if you are worried about cost. ( ) ( ) Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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