This is a follow up to my question about putting flea powder on the floor of a doghouse and then putting pine needles on top of it for three week old puppies. Would it be safe to put some powder on a cloth and then just wipe the fleas with it. Then wipe down the puppy with a damp cloth? Where I live it's a two hour drive to anywhere. So my options are very limited. They're not even my dogs. I'm doing it because the owner doesn't care. One strange thing is I can't find a flea on the mother.

Updated On January 1st, 2024

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Thank you for contacting PetCoach with your question. How lovely of you to look after these puppies. You can use Dawn dish soap and water water, and then bathe them in it to remove the fleas. I would not put the flea powder on a cloth and put it on them. You can also use Frontline spray, it's safe for puppies as young as two days of age, and you may be able to order that online for delivery. As for the mother, fleas live in the environment, not on the dog. They jump on to feed and then jump off. That may be why you cannot find fleas on her. I'd treat her with a spot on treatment such as Revolution or Advantage. I hope this helps.

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