Does a Prepuce flush by a vet for balanoposthitis hurt or cause pain or discomfort after for the dog? Anything to watch for after? He may need that done depending upon how the exam goes.

Updated On January 1st, 2024

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Male | neutered | 10 years and 11 months old | 12 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Thanks for visiting Petcoach. It is a bit discomforting for the pet, mostly because they are not used to fluid being pushed into that area. But it is a necessary procedure to resolve conditions of infection along the prepuce. Once the material is flushed out, the pets do feel so much better, so it is a necessary thing to get the pet feeling better. I would say that you should watch out for any continued or increase in licking the area after the procedure. It could indicate that the procedure wasn't sucessful and may be needed again to reach full resolution. Also, just to add, if you are concerned about your pet, or if you know that your pet doesn't tolerate procedures done at the vet very well, then you can ask the vet to do a mild sedative before the procedure is done. This will allow your pet to be able to calmly go through the procedure, and perhaps not remember a thing. Best of luck with your pet Romeo going forward. I hope that the procedure goes well for him. Take care. : )

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