I recently moved to Costa Rica and there are a lot of stray cats here. Most of them are healthy and seem happy but there is one who sometimes comes to my house who has scabs on her legs and back. They’re really big and crusty. The last time she came she also had some on the back of her head and neck and her hind has gotten worse. None of the other cats have anything like this. I can’t take her to a vet, is there anything I can do to help her the next time I see her?

Updated On January 4th, 2024

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


Poor kitty. Unfortunately without having this cat seen for a physical exam and treated once the underlying cause for the scabs is found, you won't be able to help much. Most skin issues in cats involve an allergy, and this will require either medication in the form of an injection that the vet can give or an oral medication that is prescribed. Cats don't really respond well at all to medication found over the counter for skin allergies and most medications that can be tried in dogs are not well tolerated in cats, so we have to be very careful with them. I would recommend trying to trap this kitty somehow so you can take it in to see a vet soon. You can also try to apply a flea preventative (i.e Advantage, Revolution) in case it has a flea allergy that is causing these skin lesions. This may help some, but from your description, this kitty likely also has a secondary bacterial infection that needs to be treated with prescription antibiotics as well.

I do hope that this poor cat can get some medical attention soon! Best of luck and take care.

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