Updated On January 13th, 2024
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | unspayed | 9 months and 12 days old | 50 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello & congratulations on your new family members. Both dogs need as a minimum, the core vaccines for dogs that include Canine distemper, Parvovirus, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, & rabies. Depending on the recommendation of your veterinarian, Leptospirosis, Tracheobronchitis & Canine Flu may also be recommended. Since this would be a first time ever vaccine for the dogs, any vaccine administered, except for rabies, should be repeated in 3-4 weeks. All vaccines need to be repeated one year later. Do not forget to discuss with your veterinarian checking the dogs for intestinal parasites, heart worm testing & prophylaxis & using a good flea & tick preventative. Best of luck & thanks for adopting your new friends.
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