My husky has black dots near his toe beans. Recently the area has become more inflamed/iterated and he’s bit it so often it cut. Is there a solution help?

Updated On February 3rd, 2024

Pet's info: Dog | Husky | Male | unneutered | 45 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Hello and thank you for using Pet Coach. That area looks infected to me. That could be related to Loki licking and biting the area. Sometimes though there's a foreign object trapped under the skin like a grass seed or piece of wire. I recommend to have Loki examined in the next few days to have this addressed. In the meantime, there are some things you can do at home which may help. 1. Stop any licking (since this can make it worse) - Loki should wear an elizabethan collar at all times. - Remember that the collar must come out past his nose in order to be effective. 2. Next, wash the area once a day with either plain hand soap (like Dial) or a medicated pet shampoo. Rinse the area well and gently towel dry. -This will help to control the number of topical pathogens as well as remove oil and dead skin cells. 3. Lastly, apply a topical antibiotic twice a day to the red areas. Make sure the skin is dry before application. -Just a dab will do and rub it in well. Neosporin is fine to use. *wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards when handling this wound. 4. Restrict his activity. Since it's on the paw, it can be traumatized by activity. So for now, I recommend minimal to no walks, no running or jumping. Avoid walking on rough surfaces (like dried grass). If the wound gets dirty, you can wash it. I do not recommend to bandage paws. They heal best when exposed to the air and bandaging often encourage infection in paw. I hope this helps and that Loki heals up quickly! Sincerely, Dr. Elizabeth

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