Hello, I had a mold problem in the apartment for the last 5 years on winters. I did clean the mold every time it shows and ventilate the room. I wonder if it can has any effect on my cat? In the long term? She never showed any signs related to it (she is a carrier of Pulmonary Mycoplasma, since she was a kitten, so any respiratory problems were always related to it). What should I notice when she is exposed to the mold (until we remove it) and also, can it cause lung cancer in the long term?
Updated On February 10th, 2024
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 17.19 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. Mold can cause respiratory issues in cats long term however it is difficult to tell if it is effecting them until they start showing clinical signs. Depending on age and health condition, the signs could range from mild to severe. Some signs that cats may exhibit are as follows: Runny nose Itchy and runny eyes Skin infections Persistent scratching Coughs and wheezing sounds Nose/mouth bleeding Continuous mold exposure can cause seizures and tremors. Cats in particular will become agitated or anxious due to allergies. Both dogs and cats that have been exposed to mold are also known to shake their ears and heads. Some may also chew their paws, have chronic ear infections, foul odor of the skin and hair loss are other signs that may emerge after mold exposure. You may want to consider getting some HEPA filters in your home to help minimize exposure to both you and your cat. ( https://oransi.com/collections/air-purifiers-for-mold ) Also, I suggest you keep indoor humidity <50% - you can purchase a hygrometer if you don't have one that will tell you the humidity levels. ( https://www.lowes.com/pd/ThermoPro/5013585047 ) There is no direct link to mold exposure and lung cancer in cats but could it be possible, I would venture to say yes. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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