My puppy is on nextgard but I it looks like there are 2 imbedded ticks on his stomach. Since nextgard works after the tick draws blood, am I just supposed to just wait for them to die?

Updated On March 20th, 2024

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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The photo is a bit blurry so it's hard to tell if that is a tick or just may be a nipple or small mole on the belly. If it is a tick, it should kill any ticks that hop onto the body within 48 hours, however, it should be preventing/killing ticks faster than that if you gave it more than two days ago. If you notice the medication is not helping with severe tick infestations, speaking with your vet about switching to a different product may be beneficial.

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    Answered By Lauren Jones VMD


    When ticks die, they will fall off. If the head is embedded in the skin, it just takes a little extra time for them to fall off. You don’t need to do anything. However, even though the photo is a bit blurry, it really doesn’t look like a tick to me. New pigment - particularly on the abdomen - can occur at any point. If your puppy is still growing, just be sure that the Nexgard dose is appropriate for his current weight.

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