Hi! My puppy leans slightly on his left foot sometimes, but he suddenly lifts it off the ground. This is the second day I am very worried! Do you have any idea how to handle it at home? So far I've been washing my feet with chamomile water, hoping to soothe my feet and get a little better! Hope you can help! Thanks in advance!

Updated On December 2nd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Border Collie | Male | unneutered | 2 years and 4 months old | 22 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

Without more information, it would be hard to say. If you are seeing a visible wound on the foot, I would be concerned there is an infection from yeast or bacteria that needs to be treated with medication from your vet. If Tyriaon is limping or not putting weight on the foot, I would be worried there is an injury such as a broken toe or sprain. In either case, it is best to bring him to your vet for an exam if it's been several days, especially if home care has not helped.

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