Our dog received the 6 in 1 shot this morning at 10 AM at the Patchogue NY Petco. She weighs 11.2 pounds and was limping on the leg she received the shot before but now if we touch her she yelps. I gave her 2 baby aspirin and it has not seemed to help. Is this a normal reaction ?
Updated On December 8th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | spayed | 4 years and 2 months old | 11.2 lbs
Answered By Claudia Fioravanti 23
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Hi, it is normal to get a bit of localised reaction in the injection site. It gradually improves over the course of a few days, I would ring your local PetCo if you are still worried after 24 hours. Hope Rags gets better soon !
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