I have to fly with my 5 month old kitten and I am supper worried about it. Can I give him benedryl and if so, how much?

Updated On December 10th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 4 months and 29 days old

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Answered By Shaneez Wallani, DVM


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I recommend you speak to your vet, as Benadryl will not be very effective in this situation, but there are other medications your vet may recommend that may be. You will likely need a health certificate for Ollie to travel on the plane anyway, so you can discuss it when you take Ollie to your vet to get one. Make sure you follow the airline's regulations about travelling with a pet, including carrier size, timing of obtaining the health certificate with regards to your flight, food and water bowls, etc. If you are travelling internationally, make sure you are following all regulations for export of pets from the area you are departing from, and import requirements for wherever you are going/ anywhere you may have a stopover with Ollie. Feliway pheromone spray may help as well: https://www.feliway.com Also see the link below for more information on travelling with Ollie: https://indoorpet.osu.edu/cats/felinelifestressors/traveling-your-cat Good luck, and have a safe trip!

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    Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


    Benadryl is not a sedative, and should not be used as such. It may cause sedation as a side effect, but it can have the opposite effect and cause excitement. It is an allergy medicine and should only be used as such. It’s not typically recommended to sedate a cat to fly. There can be complications from the sedation, and you won’t be able to get veterinary help. Most cats fly just fine without sedation but speak to your vet about your concerns.

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