Family member has take care of a border collie bitch. Vet dental report states age 12yrs. They didn’t spay, saying too old. She’s been with us since September. Since Monday showing every sign of coming in to ‘heat’. Is she at risk of pregnancy if or physically beyond that point. When grooming she has been very resistant to brush or towelling below neck. Slow process of trust &anxiety reduction. Suddenly she welcomes contact with haunches.
Updated On December 12th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Border Collie | Female | unspayed
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Dogs can cycle at a very late age and technically they could be at risk of becoming pregnant. A pregnancy at her age would be dangerous. I do recommend to revisit the idea of spaying her. At 12 years of age, she is not too old to undergo the procedure with a veterinarian who is experienced in sedating older pets with appropriate protocols. You would need to out weight the risks versus the benefits and make an informed decision. https://www.petcoach.co/article/spaying-ovariohysterectomy-the-benefits-in-dogs/ Continuing building up trust with her around the grooming. The new behavior could be related to heat but it could also indicate fleas. I hope this helps.
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