My slightly overweight cat (approx 3yrs old; 5.71kg) fell from a wooden table and banged her back leg. She immediately hissed at the offending furniture. She had a very noticeable limp for a few minutes, and lay down to avoid putting weight on it. It has now been about 45 minutes, and the limp is barely noticeable, but I'm still concerned. She is purring (pain response?), and I've placed her injured leg on top of a bag of frozen peas; she is extremely reluctant to let anyone touch it. Help?
Updated On December 14th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Mediumhair | Female | spayed | 12 lbs
Answered By Dr. Davis 176
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Luckily many cats heal from injuries quickly. If she is now walking on it with a limp I expect she just bruised it. Good job using an ice pack to reduce the pain and inflammation. She should improve daily. If she is worse tomorrow or continues to be painful then a veterinary exam and treatment would be in order. Thanks for using PetCoach to help you care for Amber.
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