My dog a indie breed is 11 months old and has developed food guarding behavior so what can we do to alter his behavior???

Updated On December 15th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | 11 months and 14 days old

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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Hi there. I would recommend getting Jean Donaldson's book "Mine!" for a detailed guide to how to deal with resource guarding in dogs. Basically, you need to work with the dog to show him that you are not a threat, and that good things happen when you come near his food or toys. If you have any qualified trainers in your area that could work with you in person, this would also be highly recommended as it can be challenging to deal with these issues yourself if you don't have experience.

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