Our puppy is almost 8 weeks, an 8 pound german shepard corgi mix-will be about 35 pounds.Currently we are feeding him royal canin medium breed puppy food, three times a day 1/3 cup every meal (as the bag says) He had a pudgy tummy a few days ago and after we started feeding him he has lost it. He also is always hungry after he eats and trying to push his bowl and food bag around for more food. We don't want to overfeed him, but we've seen some eat four meals a day. How much should he eat?

Updated On December 17th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Male | unneutered | 8 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Davis


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He’s telling you you’re not feeding him enough. I judge the amount to feed a growing puppy by how they eat. They should be hungry at each meal, and almost finish the food. If he’s ravenous then I gradually increase the amount at each feeding, and also add another meal. If he’s growing quickly you want him to have enough nutrition. As he grows he may not eat as much later and not want the extra meal. It’s fine then to go to three or two meals daily. I don’t worry about them getting fat until they are six months to a year old, then certainly at that point or when he’s fully grown you can reduce the amount or change the food to diet food. Thanks for using PetCoach to help you care for Wesley.

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