How long does the average heat cycle last in medium to big dogs? My dog is a mixed breed between pitbull/boxer/beagle/rottweiler?

Updated On December 29th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 7 months and 7 days old | 34.6 lbs

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Answered By Lotus Altholtz

Veterinarian, Board-Certified Lab Animal Medicine Specialist

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On average, a heat cycle in a female dog will last 2-3 weeks (from the start of the vulva appearing swollen, to vaginal bleeding/discharge to the female no longer being attractive to male dogs at the end of the heat cycle) and generally occur every 6 months although it is not uncommon for large breed dogs to come into heat/estrus only once a year. Some female dogs can bleed for 2-3 weeks (much longer than human menstrual periods!). Hope this helps!

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