I accidentally exposed my puppy to flea and tick shampoo (brand: Naturel Promise Flick!). It was on her body for about 10-15 seconds before we realized and washed it off immediately. We then washed her with a regular shampoo and rinsed that thoroughly. We wanted to know if this was too brief to be a concerning exposure. She is about 2.3 lbs. It’s only been about 10 minutes and we dont see any symptoms yet.
Updated On January 1st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | 2 months old | 2.2 lbs
Answered By Dr. Davis 176
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Since you washed it off right away she should be fine. Just to be sure I would keep a close eye on her for the next day or so. Yorkies are prone to hypoglycemia so please make sure she has many small meals daily until she’s bigger. Thanks for using PetCoach to help you care for Remy.
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