I'm in the process of adopting a Siamese mix cat and am corresponding with her foster, who said there's "some inflammation along her gumline" that we would need to take her in for regular dental cleanings for. This would get quite expensive for me. To my knowledge, the cat doesn't have underlying conditions like FeLV or FIV. Could giving her regular brushings myself (w/ appropriate materials of course) help this issue, or would I need it professionally done every time?

Updated On January 7th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Yes, regular brushing can help with gingivitis. You may also want to check into using some Zymox Oratene products like the water additive and/or the veterinary oral gel. ( https://www.allivet.com/search.aspx?SearchTerm=oratene )

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