my puppy’s face color is changing to white and it kept growing until half his face is now white, is that normal for his color to be white? he’s a mix breed between a german shepherd and another breed ( i’m not sure what is it till now though) my guess would be either labrador or rottweiler
Updated On January 9th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 20 days old | 11 lbs
Answered By Ana M, DVM 217
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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Tupac. It is difficult to say without seeing a picture. You are welcome to submit your question again including pictures of his face and coat. It is likely not a problem that his face is turning white. If he is losing hair or has scabs on his face though this can be a sign of a disease. If the hair color is simply changing, this may happen as he grows and develops. I hope this information helps!
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