Yes I understand that but how can we try to keep them away from each other because we don't want them mating anymore the first two time wasn't on purpose and we just don't want them doing it again so how can I stop that?and also every sense they had there puppies they have been using the bathroom all around the house how can we fix that?
Updated On January 18th, 2020
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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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The best long-term solution is spaying/neutering to prevent any puppies, especially since if a male senses a female in heat they will try to do everything possible to get to that female. Keeping them physically separated with barriers in different rooms, crates, etc can help, but there is still the chance they can get together to mate if one escapes. Spaying and neutering can also help with marking behavior inside the house as it can be hormonal related, You can also use an enzymatic cleaner to clean any accidents and deter them from going potty inside. Reverting back to a "puppy" style of potty training taking them out every few hours can also help remind them of where to go and reduce accidents.
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