My Japanese Chin 9 years has been diagnosed with a heart murmur stage 3 .Hes on Vetmedin ,Libeo, and recently Cardalis to reduce the persistant coughing.Unfortunately the Cardalis does not seem to be working .Is there an alternative more effective medication available to reduce his coughing?thanks
Updated On January 20th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Akbash Dog | Male | unneutered | 9 years and 3 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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Poor guy. The coughing is mainly due to fluid bulid up in the lungs. If the coughing has not improved then ask you vet if adjustments can be made to his current medications, in particulra the Libeo (Furosemide), which is designed to pull fluid off the lungs, reducing the cough. He is on all the medications currently recommended for heart failure dogs, so the best thing to do is increase his medications and perhaps get him on a cardiac prescription diet (i.e. Hill's Science Diet H/D). Also understand that heart medication is not curing the disease, it is merely managing it to buy your pet more time. Unfortuantely the medication may reach a point where it is no longer effective when the disease has progressed too far. I do hope that we have not reached that point yet, and perhaps can still make adjustments in Kenzo's medications to help manage his heart disease for a while longer. Here is more information on heart disease --> https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=8501760 Best of luck moving forward with Kenzo and managing his heart disease. Take care.
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