My dog is roughly 57 days into gestation. She is a large breed. The last 48 hours she struggles to get up onto her hind legs. Could this be just the fact her pups are getting bigger and moving into the birth canal or could this be something else? She does eventually stand and wags her tail and will go on walks once she gets upz

Updated On January 20th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Maremma Sheepdog | Female | unspayed | 70 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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You did not say how old Shelby is but it could be some arthritis that is causing her some issues. It could be the size of the puppies and her advanced gestation but it is very hard to say. I suggest you just monitor her for now. She cannot have any medications while pregnant. If this behavior continues after she gives birth and the puppies are weaned then she should be examined by your vet.

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