I believe my puppy’s front paw may be broken. my daughter stepped on him about two weeks ago. he walks on it sideways only using his toes. he doesn’t show any signs of it hurting when i bend it or touch it. although it doesn’t bend correctly like the other paw. the only reason i haven’t taken him to the vet is because i know the price to help a broken paw will be outrageous. i cant afford it.

Updated On January 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | American Bully | Male | unneutered | 10 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Diesel. I recommend that he sees a veterinarian. If the paw is fractured and heals improperly, this will be more expensive in the long run. It can cause him permanent pain as well. Many veterinarian clinics offer payment options such as Care Credit. A local humane society may be able to help as well. I hope this information helps!

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