How do I keep a dog from whining in his kennel? I have a rescue I got a little over a week ago. At 4am when I go down to the gym he will start freaking out which wakes my kids. My gym is in the basement which he is scared of stairs. So letting him out before I work out doesn’t help anything. What can I do?

Updated On January 28th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 3 years old | 65 lbs

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Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM


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I would recommend giving him something to keep him busy. Kong toys with peanut butter frozen inside can keep dogs quite busy for a while. I would try this. You can also try the Adaptil products, which are pheromone products designed to help calm dogs down. Make sure he has plenty of toys and treats in his kennel to keep him busy. You can even turn the radio on or tv on for him while you are downstairs for noise and see if that helps.

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