hello! my dog got perfume in his eye and was diagnosed with an ulcer. he has been on 2 different eye drops for 2 weeks and it isnt any better. in fact, he now has a layer of white on the bottom of his eye. its really cloudy and im afraid he is blind. how should a healing ulcer look? is it a chemical burn? ):
Updated On January 28th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 18.5 lbs
Answered By Claudia Fioravanti 23
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Hi, I think need to see a specialist in ophtalmology as it looks like there is a lot of tissue proliferation on the cornea, but I don’t think it is just the ulcer healing. Hope this helps and that with the right treatment Brutus gets better soon.
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